World Standardisation Development Organisations (SDO)

ETSI Technical Committee Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS): Vice Chair and leads Special Taskforces to realize standards.

CEN 278 and ISO 204 Automotive expert.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Stakeholder groups

Representing Toyota at Car2Car Communication Consortium: Chair of Working Group Functional.

Previously Representing Rijkswater Staat (RWS, the national road operator of the Netherlands) at C-ROADs and InterCor (European Union projects)

European Commission assistance

Assisted the European Commission Intelligent Transportation and Automation assessments through the European project CODECS and other occasions.

Innovation management Communication solutions for ITS

Market, Communication System analyses and ITS Integrated circuit product roadmap definition for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for NXP leadig to the first IEEE 802.11 sensor networked solutions used in the market.

Innovation management Silicon Microphone

Monitored and Guided MEMs Microphone development for NXP leading to one of the two only successful MEMs microphone solutions in the world at the time.

Innovation management a digital micropgone

Managed the development of the first digital Microphone (a microphone with the AD convertor included. Defined the low-power instrumental bus concept to use in the Mobile phone market for Sonion.

Marketing management and architecture USB Audio

Innovated the roadmap for USB Audio including a DAC and CODEC for Philips Semiconductors. Resulting in first USB Audio Speaker product by Microsoft. Contributed to the USB 1.0 Audio Class and Communication class specifications.

Marketing management and architecture portable MP3/AAC player IC

Innitated an MP3/AAC player IC roadmap and technical architecture at  Philips Semiconductors. Resulting in implementation of solution in first IPOD from Apple.

Technical realisation of Gas mixing valve for Busses and Trucks

Innovated an electronically controlled Gas mixing valve including sensors and software for DAF.